Sunday, May 09, 2004

Heh. Not funny, sorry. Well...yeah. Let's start figuring some of this crap out. First of all... what COULDN'T be a descendant?

Saturday, May 08, 2004

l Green Knight l: hey
KooshBZP: yo
l Green Knight l: whats up?
KooshBZP: nuthin
l Green Knight l: ah
KooshBZP: got a new Magic deck
l Green Knight l: which?
KooshBZP: Bait and Destroy, sumthin' like that. Mirrodin Black/Blue.
l Green Knight l: ah....
l Green Knight l: peh
l Green Knight l: I got back from my friends house a few hours ago
KooshBZP: either that or a Mirrodin White, an 8th Ed. White, or a 8th Ed. Blue
KooshBZP: cool
l Green Knight l: his neighbors have this ginormous tree in their field
KooshBZP: I got back from a 4-day Band trip last midnight
KooshBZP: sweet
l Green Knight l: cool
KooshBZP: yeah
l Green Knight l: yeah, its trunk is 7 feet diameter
KooshBZP: I was in Vancouver. And I saw more bums and sluts in 4 days than I have in my entire life.
KooshBZP: shit
l Green Knight l: yeah
l Green Knight l: I climbed it
KooshBZP: sweet
l Green Knight l: because the tree branches hang to the groud because its so big
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: oh, and we were trespassing on his neighbors land, so whenever a car drove by, we had to duck in this really tall grass
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: but I couldn't be seen because the grass was up to my waist and I was wearing a green shirt
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: hang on a sec, comp is f***ing up
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: gotta restart it
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: k
l Green Knight l: back
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: you enter BBC 18?
KooshBZP: not yet. Still working on it.
KooshBZP: I just made a banner for it. The official banner.
l Green Knight l: same
l Green Knight l: I saw
KooshBZP: likey?
l Green Knight l: spiffy
l Green Knight l: yes
KooshBZP: thankee
l Green Knight l: welcome
KooshBZP: whatcha making?
l Green Knight l: you play Warcraft 3?
KooshBZP: played
l Green Knight l: I'm making Arthas
KooshBZP: cool
KooshBZP: I'm making my version of Smaug.
l Green Knight l: nice
KooshBZP: yeah
KooshBZP: he just needs back legs and a tail.
l Green Knight l: I only have Arthas's leg built though
KooshBZP: lol
KooshBZP: when does entries end?
l Green Knight l: yeah, a badass leg
l Green Knight l: 15
KooshBZP: nice
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: what are the prizes? you know yet?
KooshBZP: nope
l Green Knight l: ah
KooshBZP: *checks the tropic for an update*
KooshBZP: nothing yet
KooshBZP: like my buddy icon?
l Green Knight l: ooh, tropics....
l Green Knight l: yes, I do
KooshBZP: Zeppelin.
l Green Knight l: the Led kind,
KooshBZP: Of course.
l Green Knight l: oh, need any help with dragon-ish designs?
KooshBZP: I got the Stariway to Heaven poster in VAncouver.
KooshBZP: Just feet.
l Green Knight l: if you need help, I'm your Dragon-man
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: I know so much about dragons
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: like, they have four eyelids
KooshBZP: not getting THAT detailed...
l Green Knight l: I figured
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: yeah, and I even know the NAME of the organ that allows them to breath fire, ice, acid, or whatever
KooshBZP: .
l Green Knight l: yeah
l Green Knight l: I'm a nerd
KooshBZP: yep.
l Green Knight l: it's called th Draconis fundamentum
KooshBZP: .
l Green Knight l: I konw, I konw
KooshBZP: ...
l Green Knight l: I know, I know***
KooshBZP: lol
l Green Knight l: plus, dragons can't really chew there food
KooshBZP: ...they melt it, right?
l Green Knight l: no, they grind it up in the back of their throat with little spikes
KooshBZP: ...
KooshBZP: why?
l Green Knight l: plus, not all dragons breath fire
KooshBZP: Komodo dragons.
l Green Knight l: ...
KooshBZP: monitor lizards.
KooshBZP: really big ones.
l Green Knight l: I know
KooshBZP: no you don't. you just think you do.
l Green Knight l: but some dragons breath ice, acid, or electricity
KooshBZP: and air.
l Green Knight l: shut up
KooshBZP: lol
KooshBZP: they DO.
l Green Knight l: plus, dragons are endothermic and ectothermic
KooshBZP: a dragon is a physical improbability.
KooshBZP: well, flying fire-breathing ones to say the least.
l Green Knight l: not entirely
KooshBZP: yeah... it needs to carry whatever fluids, even in compressed liquid or even gas, and still be able to create fire and be light enough to not require wings many, MANY times bigger than itself
l Green Knight l: actually, dragons are more like a bird/cat combonation
l Green Knight l: their bones are light, much like a bird's, whereas its skeleton built like that of a huge, winged kitty cat
KooshBZP: still, to carry the liquid fire, or even pure oxygen enough to create that damn much fire and still eb light enough to fly...
l Green Knight l: well, birds can fly, cant they?
l Green Knight l: and snakes can spew poison
KooshBZP: yeah, but they don't carry liwuid fire in their guts, now do they? And snakes don't fly.
l Green Knight l: and cats, well, they play with yarn
KooshBZP: impressive.
l Green Knight l: true, true, but birds and snakes once had a common ancestor, so.......
KooshBZP: one that flew AND spat poison?
l Green Knight l: yes.
KooshBZP: which?
KooshBZP: Pterodactyl?
l Green Knight l: mebbe.....
KooshBZP: or just all dinosaurs?
l Green Knight l: all
KooshBZP: yeha, I know, two different things.
l Green Knight l: well, you neglect to remember that there are huge gaps still missing in the evolutionary chain
KooshBZP: good point.
KooshBZP: which evolutionary chain are we talking about, though?
l Green Knight l: all
KooshBZP: how many could've had dragon?
l Green Knight l: two or three
KooshBZP: insects could eb possible... fish improbable, but still possible...lizards may have been...cats, like you mentioned...birds....crustaceans, mebbe? invertebrates? people, mebbe?
l Green Knight l: well, the fish,...... some dragons are aquatic......I doubt people, but that would rock...........
KooshBZP: or they could've been spread out...instead of just dragons, similar but totally different things... smaller, flying ones could've eveolved (or is it devolved?) into birds...aquatic ones, sea monsters and the like, could be fish...
l Green Knight l: well, what you say makes sense, but fish were some of the first complex creatures around
KooshBZP: hmmm...could have been related, then, instead of evolutianry predecessors.
l Green Knight l: true....
KooshBZP: BTW, I'm gonna save a copy of this chat. Good stuff.
l Green Knight l: yeah, how you save?
KooshBZP: Copy and paste is the easiest way.
l Green Knight l: k
KooshBZP: heh...we should come up with a big evolutionary chart... not necessarily real, but plausible...and then write a story. That'd be sweet.
l Green Knight l: yeah.....
KooshBZP: I say we call it "Project Dragontown".
l Green Knight l: yes
KooshBZP: for now, of course.
KooshBZP: We can't use that as a final... Dragontown's a newer Alice Cooper CD.
l Green Knight l: oh,
KooshBZP: but for now, tis good.
l Green Knight l: yes
l Green Knight l: oh, and a dragons muscles are just like a birds flight
KooshBZP: Common ancestry?
l Green Knight l: possibly
KooshBZP: could link birds to most species in earth, by way of a small, subtle identicality.
l Green Knight l: yes.....
l Green Knight l: ooh, plus, because mammals are endothermic, and a reptile is ecto thermic, a dragon is kinda a therapsid.
KooshBZP: uh...therapsid? that's mammal/lizard, right?
l Green Knight l: yeah, common ancestor of all mammals
l Green Knight l: Man, Science class rocks!
KooshBZP: k, just making sure.
KooshBZP: heh...last thing I did in science class was talk about how the universe was made, and a bunch of intellectual stuff about that.
KooshBZP: crazy.
l Green Knight l: also, as with most horned animals, the horns of a dragon are part of its skeleton
KooshBZP: of course.
l Green Knight l: yeah
KooshBZP: is it firmly attached to the skull, liek an extension of it, or another bone?
l Green Knight l: but a dragon's spike are only attached by muscles to the body
KooshBZP: ah, never mind.
KooshBZP: oh, wait, that's spike, not horn...
KooshBZP: meh.,
KooshBZP: you know what I mean. The question still stands...
l Green Knight l: what., the horn or the spikes?
KooshBZP: horn.
l Green Knight l: its like part of the skull
KooshBZP: like, is it an actual extension of the skull, or (minus skin, muscle, cartilage, etc.) removable, like a jaw?
l Green Knight l: no, not removable, unless you TRY to cut it off
l Green Knight l: which is almost impossible
KooshBZP: ah.
l Green Knight l: oh, and you know how Smaug died?
KooshBZP: yeah, arrow through a chink in the armor. probably impossible, the skin'd be too thick for the arrow to continue through at fast enough speed...
KooshBZP: it'd probably stop it after it got an inch in.
KooshBZP: not skin, sorry, muscle too
l Green Knight l: well, yes, but a dragons scales growback
KooshBZP: they weren't scales, per se, in the book, they actually were diamond armor. Or some fancy words.
KooshBZP: either or.
l Green Knight l: yeah....
l Green Knight l: but dragons do have extremly thick skin
KooshBZP: yeah
l Green Knight l: ah, but their wings, thats another story
KooshBZP: I eman, they're huge, the skin'd have to be thick.
KooshBZP: Wings are thin memberane, as always.
KooshBZP: except birds, but I'm talking "flying lizards".
KooshBZP: Pteranodons.
l Green Knight l: yeah, but it still has scales on it
l Green Knight l: yeah
KooshBZP: yeah
l Green Knight l: but looks at bats, the have the same wing structure
KooshBZP: yeah, I remembered that a second ago.
KooshBZP: another relative, that connects them to Mammalia even more.
l Green Knight l: yeah
l Green Knight l: I think I'll compile a book of this.....
KooshBZP: or something.
l Green Knight l: yeah...
KooshBZP: we could use like a blog or a forum, then it'd all be in one central place, and we could share it and stuff.
l Green Knight l: hmmm.....
l Green Knight l: CoT? mebbe
KooshBZP: I can throw either together in a few minutes.
KooshBZP: CoT, no. I dun want dumb (and smart)-assn00bs going in and saying "drgaon s aernt rela!!!!!!11!!!"
l Green Knight l: ok
KooshBZP: Forum'd take a little while to good?
l Green Knight l: blog?
KooshBZP: Weblog.
l Green Knight l: oh.......uum......
l Green Knight l: i guess
l Green Knight l: plus dragons have a very poor sense of touch
KooshBZP: k
l Green Knight l: thats why the can lay on treasure
KooshBZP: yeah
l Green Knight l: to them, it feels like a nubby wool blanket
KooshBZP: lol